Agricultural Research Station, Karimnagar of Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University has organised Seed Mela, 2023 on 24th May. As a customary, every year, seed mela is conducted in all Agricultural Research Stations in the state. In PJTSAU during this year, 15000 quintals of seed has been produced from 45 varieties of 10 crops and made available to the farmers throughout the state. In this regard, the Principal Scientist (Agro.) and Head Dr. G. Manjulatha has chaired the session and sensitised the farmers to purchase quality seed which is the basic input for agriculture and informed the farmers about the released maize hybrids from research station, Karimnagar Makka-1 which is a medium duration wilt tolerant hybrid and Karimnagar Makka which is a short duration hybrid and also Redgram varieties, TDRG 4 and WRG 97 are also available for the farmers. The farmers were also detailed with the importance of soil testing, inter cropping system, green manuring and cultivation of greengram preceding to rice crop under the changing climate situations and soil health. The District Agricultural Officer, Sri. V. Sridhar stressed on soil salinity management and drone usage in agriculture for reducing the labour drudgery. He also shared the successful variety of university JGL 24423 which has non shattering compared to other varieties during the recent hailstorms occurred in the district. The Coordinator, DAATTC, Dr. K. Madan Mohan Reddy has informed the farmers about the cultivation aspects and precautions to be taken in High Density Planting System (HDPS) in Cotton. The suitable varieties, specific attributes and dates of sowing in paddy and maize was conveyed by Dr. D. Sravani, Scientist (Pl.Br.) and in pulses, oilseeds and millets by Dr. G. Usharani, Scientist (Pl.Br.). The Seed treatment in different crops was briefed by Dr. A.Vijayabhaskar, Senior Scientist (Pl. Pathology). As 2023 being the International year of millets, the farmers were encouraged to cultivate the millets and the good agricultural practices for the cultivation of millets was explained by Dr. P. Madhukar, Scientist (Agro.). Pest and disease management in various crops was explained by Dr. M. Rajendra Prasad, Scientist (CP). The Telangana State Seed Certification Agency representative, Sri. P. Naveen Reddy has explained the difference of certified and truthfully labeled seed. The Telangana State Seed Development Corporation representative, Seed Officer, Sri. Srikanth has informed the farmers about the availability of various seeds and the rate of seed. In this programme Mandal Agricultural Officers, Agricultural Extension Officers, village representatives, farmers (62) have participated in the programme.