KVK, Malyal organized Seed Mela on 24-05-2023 at KVK, Malyal. Dr. N. Kishore Kumar SMS (Extn.) explained, the significance of the programme and importance of seed production, new varieties available in the PJTSAU, characteristics of different newly released varieties. Sri B. Kranthi Kumar SMS (Crop Production.) explained, about use of green manure crops for betterment of soil health condition, dry direct seeded Rice, HDPS Cotton, utilization of PSB incorporation and split application of balanced fertilizers and importance of millet crops.Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Hort.) explained about requirement of quality seed, precautions to be taken while purchasing seed. Sri K. Bhasker, Scientist (Pl. Br.) & Head, HRS, Malyal explained about seed and planting material avalabity to farmers at HRS Malyal and Oil palm cultivation practices in Mahabubabad district. During the programme, Paddy seed of KNM-1638 (160 Kgs), WGL-44 (50 kgs) of seed were sold to the farmers and 32 no.of farmers participated in the programme.