Shredder and seeder attached to the tractor upon operation effectively removed the stalks of cotton with some differences. Shredder cut the stalks into small pieces and spread it over the field, while some part of the stalk remained on the surface. This was attributed to cutting of green stems which sill possessed some moisture. Seeder on the other hand enabled cutting as well as uprooting of the stalks. Farmers expressed the view that shredder was doing a good job except for that after operation some portion of the stubble remained in the field which would pose problems in cultivation of next crop. Other aspect opined was to remove the left over stubble, extra cost would be involved. Also, as few labourers are available to remove stubble, machines that would offer complete solution to crop residue management would be beneficial. Participants included sarpanch of the village Sri Chirra Sailu, former sarpanch Sri Ranga Reddy and forty progressive farmers of the village Mallapur. PJTSAU has been represented by Dr P Rajaiah, PS, AICRP on FIM, Dr T Ramesh Convenor and Dr Shailaja Member of Village adoption team. Associate Dean Dr C Narendra Reddy of College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar facilitated the meeting.