In Agricultural College Aswaraopet, Parakram Diwas has been conducted to honor the Nethaji Subhash Chandra Bose on his 125th birth anniversary on 23-01-2020. The associate Dean in charge, Dr.V.Venkanna enlighten the students about the Subhash Chandra Bose braveness, determination and sacrifice. He also applaud the Nathanji for this visionary leadership, invaluable role during freedom fighting. Further he also explained the students about life and education style. Followed by Assistant Professor, Sri.K.Koteshwar also added his views on Nathaji’s taught and ideas. Later NSS P.O. Smt.D.Sravanthi also explained the students about inspirational words of Subhash Chandra Bose. Few of the students and non teaching staff also expressed their words. The event is organized by NSS P.Os Dr.R.Ramesh and Smt.D.Sravanthi. The programme is been made success by the participation of Teaching faculty, Non teaching staff and Students.