Benchmark Survey on Socio-Economic Conditions of the farmers in Adopted Village, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Mallapur on 05-08-2023

Benchmark Survey on Socio-Economic Conditions of the farmers in Adopted Village, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Mallapur on 05-08-2023

Benchmark Survey on Socio-Economic Conditions of the farmers in Adopted Village was done by the Village Adoption Programme team of scientists and students of College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar in the Adopted village, Mallapur on 05-08-2023.The students have collected the following information included in the survey schedule regarding the household particulars of the farmers, farm Inventory, cropping pattern and details of crop production including economics, destination of produce sold, livestock production, household consumption and existing marketing facilities for the farmers in Mallapur villageThe survey was conducted under the guidance of VAP Chairman and the Associate Dean Dr. C. Narendra Reddy, Convenor Dr. T. Ramesh, Sr. Professor and Head, Crop Physiology, Adopted village team members, Dr. K. Aruna (Extensionist) and Dr. I Shakuntala Devi, (Economist) College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar and farmers of Mallapur village.