Talk on Time Management at Agricultural College, Warangal on 17-01-2020

Talk on Time Management at Agricultural College, Warangal on 17-01-2020

A talk was organised on Time Management at Agriculture College, Warangal on 17/01/2020. Mr. Shaileder, M.Tech at NIT, Warangal was a motivational speaker shared his valuable insights with a questionnaire on time management. Students were made to assess their score on time management. Highlight of the talk was focussed on time matrix which will categorise different personalities into the time quadrants which explains how a person reacts or he is pro active to a situation. He also explained urgent and important time matrix with good examples. Dr. T. Ramesh, Associate Dean shared the talk and explained the students to plan their work with time to reach their goals. Dr. N. Hema Sarat Chandra, Assistant Professor (Ag.Ext) expressed the Vote of Thanks to the speaker. Dr. B. Vidyadhar, Prof (GPBR), Dr. N.Lingaiah, Ms. Ch. Yashaswini and Ms. K. Manasa were participated in the session.