Together everyone can achieve more (TEAM) – Says Dr.Prasad Rao Pasam, Chairman & Managing Director, Evergreen Energy Enterprises India Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad on 01-12-2021

Together everyone can achieve more (TEAM) – Says Dr.Prasad Rao Pasam, Chairman & Managing Director, Evergreen Energy Enterprises India Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad on 01-12-2021

Dr.Prasad Rao Pasam has more than two decades of experience in implementing award winning business and social interventions in India and abroad. He is advisor to KADA, Government of Malaysia and also to GCOT (Gramodaya Chamber of Commerce & Technology). With strong passion towards the welfare of the farmers of Telangana, he was invited to discuss with EEI staff on 1.12.2021 on the areas of Collaboration in Public Private Partnership mode in future projects. He strongly believes in the dedication, devotion and discipline of the rural women self help groups and the rural youth for rural development. He is a dynamic towering personality working with women self help group in Telangana and facilitating them to achieve better standard of living. Working in this direction, he takes pride in opening 394 stores owned by rural self help groups in 394 villages of Telangana in Collaboration with BAIRISONS agroproducts & SERP. He is a staunch believer and implementer of Gandhian thoughts wherein he strives hard to develop cottage & agro-based industries in villages to attain at an evergreen revolution. He dreams of self reliant global villages to be developed and wishes to realize Modi’s dream of “becoming vocal for local products”. He aspires to develop strong feasible and viable supply chain models for local products. In the future projects, EEI plans to undertake Collaborative projects with Evergreen Energy Enterprises so as to upscale PASAM’s 3P’smodel (Procure, Process & Promote) to evolve at 3E (Energised, Evolved & Empowered) Society. The proposals on creation of farmer centric model will be submitted to funding agencies wherein EEI plays an active role in capacity building of para agricultural professionals at grassroot level. These paraprofessionals will have facilitate peasants from farm to fork so as to help them get an extra rupee and thus contribute for sustainable farming.