Agricultural college, Palem has celebrated ‘Telangana National Integration Day’ as a part of Telangana Jateeya Samaikyata Vajrotsavalu on 17th September 2022. Dr. S. Srinivasa Reddy, OISA, briefed about the importance of Telangana National Integration Day. Associate Dean Dr. B. Pushpavathi, Teaching, Non-Teaching staff and students offered floral tribute to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Garu and Mahatma Gandhi Garu. Few students have shared their views about importance of National Integration Day. Dr. B. Pushpavathi, Associate Dean enlighted the students about the dynamism shown by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Garu and also she emphasized major role towards National Integration Day. Further, she encouraged the staff and students to follow his foot prints. In addition to this along with Associate Dean, Teaching staff and Students of the Agricultural College, Palem were also participated in rally by holding national flags in hands at college premises as a part of Celebration of Telangana Jateeya Samaikyata Vajrotsavalu. The programme was concluded with the presentation of vote of thanks by Dr. Srinivasa Reddy, OISA.