NSS special camp day 3 activities were organized on 17.10.2019 at laxmipur village. Veterinary Camp was inaugurated by Dr. K. B Suneetha Devi, Associate Dean and in her address emphasized on supplementing the commonly available feeds and fodders to improve the appetite and fertility of the cattle. Dr. P. Jayakhar, District Veterinary officer focused mainly on increasing farmer income through encouraging agriculture with allied enterprises so as to provide regular income to farmers. He was also given the suggestions on supplementary pertinacious food to increase milk, meat and egg production and management of foot and mouth disease in the cattle. Dr. Azharuddin Yusuf, Veterinary Doctor screened the livestock for a range of diseases and administered vaccination and de-worming medication. He further gave tips on taking care of their domestic animals. Students also contributed in free veterinary medicines, vaccines, tonics, calcium powder and iron tablets distribution during the camp. More than 100 numbers of livestock and sheep’s were checked and treated based on the diagnosis. Later diagnostic visit was conducted in field of Mr. Raji Reddy where leaf spot, leaf blotch and Fe deficiency were observed in turmeric field. In Banana, stem weevil, aphids were identified; where as in paddy stem borer, BPH and panicle mite were observed and control measures were recommended. During afternoon session a method demonstration on precautions to be followed while spraying was organized in association with Crystal Company. Mr.S. Srinivas Naik, Asst. Professor explained about method of spraying in field and also about installation of yellow sticky traps & pheromone traps. NSS volunteer Mr. K. Nithin kumar, Final year agriculture student has explained about nature of damage of pests in crops and preventive measures. He also described about using protection kit while spraying in field. Dr. M. Vijayalaxmi, Dr. O. Sampath, Dr. D. Karthik and Mr. Uma rajashakar, Assistant professors and farmers of laxmipur village have attended the programme.