Training programme on raised bed cultivation of root and leafy vegetables at adopted village, Damera on 27-11-2021

Training programme on raised bed cultivation of root and leafy vegetables at adopted village, Damera on 27-11-2021

Village adoption team of Agricultural College, Warangal organized training programme on raised bed cultivation of root and leafy vegetables at adopted village, Damera on 27.11.2021. In the village, most of the farmers have been practicing flat bed cultivation of root and leafy vegetables where damping off and root rot disease incidence was a major problem due to stagnation of water there by reducing the yields. In this regard, Smt. L. Suhasini, Asst. Professor (Horticulture), briefed about the advantages of raised bed cultivation and suggested to practice raised bed cultivation as it reduces the chance of damping off and root rot diseases attack thereby increasing the quality yields and can also harvest the crop 10-15 days earlier than actual time. Also visited chilli fields, incidence of chilli thrips was observed and recommended to spray phosalone @ 400ml/ac or acephate @ 300g/ac or fipronil @ 400ml/ac or spinosad @ 75ml/ac or diafenthuron @ 300g/ac. In this programme, farmers actively participated and their queries were clarified. Dr. G. Swathi, Smt. L. Suhasini and Smt. Ch. Yashaswini and 20 farmers participated in the programme.