Electronic Wing, PJTAU and MANAGE, Hyderabad jointly organized online training programme on “Documentation Techniques of Farmer Innovations in Agri. and Allied Sectors for Extension Professionals from 18th to 22nd November, 2024 on WebEx Platform from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. The Guest of the Inaugural session Dr. K. Madhu Babu Professor, EEI, R’nagar, PJTAU, Hyderabad in his introductory remarks stated that skill set of Extension worker plays an important role in effective transfer of technology and using mobiles for effectively communicating the agricultural advisories in real time to the farmers is of prime importance. Who also led the first session and gave an overview of Documentation of farmer innovations. Later a presentation on Facilitation Skills for effective Documentation was given by Dr. G. Rajani Kanth Former Head and Academic Consultant, NIRDPR, Hyderabad. On second day Dr. S. Chandra Sekhar Professor, Extension Education Institute Rajendranagar explained and gave links of Mobile based Documentation techniques followed by Writing skills and tips to be followed while Documenting Farmer innovations was dealt by Dr. V. Sudha Rani Former Director of Extension. On 3rd day Dr. Jayaraghavendra Rao V.K. Principal Scientist (Agril. Extn.) Division of Social Sciences and Training, ICAR-IIHR, Karnataka taught the participants on Case study approach to be followed in documenting Success or feature stories and Digital documentation Techniques of Farmer Innovations was presented by Dr. Madhavi Ravi Kumar, Head, Department of Communication, Hyderabad Central University. On day 4th Dr. Kamma K. Babu Asst. Professor & Regional Industry Coordinator, NIFT ,Hyderabad presented Visual Documentation techniques in Photo & Videography followed by Documentation of Traditional Knowledge was dealt by Dr. R. Vasantha , Professor, Dept. of Extn. Education, College of Agril.,Rajendranagar. On day 5th Extension strategy for promotion farmer innovations was presented by Dr. M. Jagan Mohan Reddy, Director, Extension Education Institute, Rajendrangar. In his Valedictory address emphasized the need of identifying and documentation of farmer innovations and popularizing .He urged all the participants to use the skills learnt during the training and document farmer innovations with rationality. The programme was coordinated by Dr.M.Sreenivasulu Principal Scientist [Extn] Dr.J.S.Sudha Rani Scientist [Agronomy] , Dr.J.Ravinder , Scientist [Soil Science] Electronic Wing and Dr.Srinivasa Acharyulu , MANAGE , Hyderabad. About 30 Participants from SAUs, ICAR, Dept of Agriculture and allied sectors across India participated in the training programme.