Training cum Field day on Rabi Castor on 24-02-2022

Training cum Field day on Rabi Castor on 24-02-2022

A training cum field day has been conducted on “Promotion of rabi castor and enhancing its productivity through improved production technologies” in Sri. S. Damodar Reddy, farmer field at Venkateswarla Bavi village, Amrabad mandal, Nagarkurnool District as a part of front line demonstration by AICRP on castor scientists, Regional Agriculture Research Station, Palem on 24th February, 2022. The objective of the field day is to impart the awareness among farmers and extension personnel. A total of 400 farmers have attended the field day from Venkateswarla Bavi village, nearby villages of Amrabad mandal. Dr. V. Divya Rani, Scientist (Castor Pathology) RARS, Palem has invited the dignitaries on to the dais viz., Sri. Guvvala Bala Raju, (Hon’ble member of legislative Assembly); Dr. M. Goverdhan, Associate Director of Research, RARS (STZ), Palem, PJTSAU; Dr. C. Lavanya, Principal Scientist (Breeding),ICAR- IIOR, Hyderabad., Dr. P. Lakhmaamma., Principal Scientist (Plant Physiology), ICAR- IIOR, Hyderabad., Sri. P.Venkateswarlu, District Agriculture Officer,Nagarkurnool., Sri. Chandra Shekar, ADA, Achampet; Sri. Raja Ram, Raithu Bandu President of Amrabad, Sri. Sandeep (Agricultural officer), G. Seetha ram, (AEO)., Smt. Padma (MPP)., Smt. Padma (Sarpanch)., Sri. Shankar, (MPDO) and Sri. S. Damodar Reddy (Host famer), Venkateswarla Bavi village, Amrabad mandal, Nagarkurnool District. All the dignitaries and farmers visited the demonstrated field of castor and observed the management practices which were followed by host farmer. Programme over view was given by Dr. N. Nalini, Scientist (Agro) and created awareness among farmers regarding front line demonstrations, importance of castor in rabi season, explained about cost of cultivation and benefit cost comparison between kharif and rabi castor, management practices of castor, maintaining soil health and the technologies practiced by the host farmer. Dr. K. Sadaiah, Scientist (Castor Breeding), discussed about the high yielding varieties and hybrids viz., PCH-111, ICH-66, DCH-519 of castor released by Palem and IIOR. Dr. V. Divya Rani, Scientist, (Castor Pathology) explained management practices for gray mold disease in castor and other diseases in different crops. Dr. O. Shila, Scientist (Castor Entomology i/c) has given detailed information about incidence of pests, identification of symptoms of damage and plant protection measures to be adopted in castor. Host farmer Sri. S. Damodar Reddy shared their experiences of rabi castor with other farmers and explained about comparison between kharif castor and rabi castor in yield. Sri. Raja Ram (President of Raithu bandu, Amrabad), addressed the gathering by encouraging the farmers to cultivate castor and other oil seed crops and told that select the crops depends on soil , adopt more improved technologies which is provided by the scientists. Sri. P. Venkateswarlu (DAO), addressed gathering by encouraging the farmers to cultivate castor in rabi season which dosen’t have any problems like gray mold and wild boar damage and monkey damage etc., in castor cultivation and encouraged to farmers to form a FPO in Venkateswarla bavi village . Dr. C. Lavanya, Prinicipal Scientist, (Oil seeds) stressed the importance of oilseeds and castor, problems faced by cultivation of castor in rainfed conditions, possibilities in rabi castor and suggested farmers to cultivate oil seed crops with low cost of cultivation. Dr. M. Goverdhan, Associate Director of Research (RARS, Palem), discussed about economic importance of castor crop, application of organic manures for increasing soil fertility, efficient utilization of water to the crop and suggested to change of cropping pattern (cotton-rice), adaptation high yielding hybrids and varieties and using modern information system. Hon’ble Member of Legislative Assembly Sri. Guvvala Bala Raju addressed gathering regarding increase the area of castor cultivation in rabi season, crop diversification, form a group of farmers and produce location specific product on the name of ‘ Nallamala’ and encouraged farmers to adopt new technologies in different crops from agricultural scientists. At the end of the programme, secateurs were provided to FLDs beneficiary farmers to facilitate easy harvesting for castor. Dr. N. Nalini thanked, Hon’ble Member of Legislative Assembly Sri. Guvvala Bala Raju, all the officials from PJTSAU, ICAR-IIOR, Agriculture Department of Nagarkurnool, public representatives of Amrabad Mandal and finally host farmer for the coordinated efforts in conducting the meeting in a smooth way.