Training programme on Integrated nutrient management in Yasangi Maize crop 2022-23” at KVK, Malyal on 08-12-2022

Training programme on Integrated nutrient management in Yasangi Maize crop 2022-23” at KVK, Malyal on 08-12-2022

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized Training programme on integrated nutrient management in Yasangi maize, 2022-23” by KVK, Malyal on 08-12-2022. Sri B. Kranthi Kumar, SMS (Crop Production) explained about suitable varieties/ hybrids to be grown in maize like DHM- 117, KNMH – 4010131 and explained about nutrient & pest management in maize crop. He also explained different varieties in paddy which are suitable for Yasangi, seed treatment, nursery management, direct seeding and drum seeding technology in Paddy. Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Horticulture) explained about management practices in chilli on black flower thrips and wilt management and explained about oil palm cultivation, subsidies, management. Later, visited turmeric and chilli fields along with the farmers.Sri B. Venkana, MAO, Kesamudram and Sri. K. Murali, AEO, Inugurthy and Sarpanch, Inugurthy, Kesamudrum mandal, 60 no. of farmers participated in the programme.