A one day on campus training programme on “Hands on skills in kitchen gardening” was organized under ICAR- SC- Sub Plan- 2021-2022, for SC Women at Examination Hall, Agricultural College, Warangal on 29-04-2022. The programme started with the introductory remarks by Dr. M. Balram, Associate Dean, Agricultural College, Warangal. He opined that, most of the women and children in the country are anaemic and malnourished due to poor intake of fruits and vegetables which are the protective foods and required for a balanced diet and informed the women farmers to utilize the training programme as an opportunity to learn skills in kitchen gardening which is the best way to consume fresh chemical free fruits and vegetables. Later, Sri. R. Srinivas Rao, District Horticulture and Sericulture Officer, Warangal, asked the women to make a habit of growing their own fruits and vegetables in the backyard or on the terrace, this inculcates discipline in children and can become a good hobby for them. Smt. L. Suhasini, Assistant Professor (Horticulture), explained the need for kitchen gardening and role of kitchen gardening in human nutrition. She also said in detail about types of kitchen gardens, different layout models, media, nursery raising of vegetables, materials or containers & growbags used for raising kitchen garden, seasons for cultivating various vegetables & fruits, varieties and all the good management practices for producing good quality fruits and vegetables. Dr. A. Venkat Reddy, Professor & Head (Entomology) elucidated the women about the various pests that occur in vegetables and fruits, their identification, symptoms of damage and their management practices. He asked the women to use organic ways or traditional indigenous practices like use of chilli ginger garlic extract, neem oil, neem leaf extracts etc., for managing pests. Disease identification, symptoms and management in vegetables and fruits that are grown in kitchen garden was explained in detail by Smt. K. Gopika, Assistant Professor (Plant Pathology). Later, subsidies in urban farming and kitchen garden was explained by Sri. R. Srinivas Rao, DHSO, Warangal. Dr. J. Kamalakar, Asst. Prof. (SSAC) gave details about soil and water testing facilities available at college and requested to contact them for testing. Later, the speakers clarified the doubts pertaining to management of borers in okra, fruit fly in ridge gourd and other cucurbitaceous vegetables, damping off in fenugreek. Dr. M. Balram, Associate Dean and team have distributed five vegetable seeds kit and vermicompost to all women farmers who have attended the training programme. During the farmer feedback session, Smt. Manda Rajitha a women farmer from Elkathurthy village, expressed that she learnt how kitchen gardens help in controlling malnutrition and other health issues in children and women in special. Another women farmer, Smt. Ummadi Swarupa expressed her gratitude to Associate Dean and team for conducting the programme and distribution of seed kit and vermicompost. The programme was concluded with a vote of thanks by Smt. L. Suhasini, Asst. Prof. (Hort.). A total of 82 women farmers attended the programme from 21 villages of Warangal Rural & Urban, Mulugu, Karimnagar districts.