A Training programme on different methods of rice cultivation and management along with method demonstration on direct seeding with drones was organized jointly by ARS and DAATTC, Tornala in association with Drone academy of PJTAU and Institute of rice research, ARI, Rajendranagar on 27.01.2025 at ARS, Tornala. Dr. J. Sathyanarayana, Dean of Agriculture, PJTAU attended as chief guest to the programme and addressed the farmers about present agriculture scenario and need of machinery in the present-day agriculture as labour availability is very scarce and if available the huge rates of labour can’t be met by a small or medium farmer. In such situations, there is a high need to depend on machinery and drone technology to get all the agricultural operations done timely and promptly. Later, Dr. S. Sridevi, PS & Head, ARS, Tornala appraised the gathering about the mechanization in paddy cultivation and nutrient management in different methods of rice cultivation to realize higher crop yields as its low-input demand by saving labour, requires less water, less drudgery, early crop maturity, low production cost, better soil physical conditions for following crops and less methane emission, provides better option to be the best fit in different cropping systems. Comparative yields in DSR can be obtained by adopting various cultural practices viz., selection of suitable cultivars, proper sowing time, optimum seed rate, proper weed and water management. Further, Dr. N. Rama Gopala Varma, PS (Entomology) educated the farmers and agricultural department officials about usage of drone for direct seeding and pesticide spray with SOPs like height of the drone movement on the crop canopy while spraying, dosage of chemicals, nozzle types and speed of the drone movement and importance of drones in present situation and employment opportunities for educated rural youth in rural areas. Later, Smt. T. Radhika, District Agriculture Officer has explained the present situation of agriculture in Siddipet and labour scarcity along with present problems faced by the farmers and need of the hour of machinery, Sri. J. Vijay, Coordinator, DAATTC, Tornala on water management in different methods of rice cultivation, Dr. Ch. Pallavi on weed management in different methods of rice cultivation, Dr. E. Uma Rani on new cultivars and varieties of PJTAU. Most of the farmers Sri. Jaipal Reddy, Mandepally, Sri. Ashok Reddy, Sri. Narashimha Reddy, Chinnakodur interacted with the Scientists on the drone usage, amount of water usage, cost economics, use of nano urea with drones, spraying of herbicides etc. Later, a method demonstration on direct seeding with drone was taken up with dry seed and wet seeds in half acre field each by involving 35 agriculture department AEOs and MAOs, 50 farmers from Chinnakodur, Bussapur, Chittapur, Narsapur, Chandapur, Mettu, Ramancha, Tornala villages, 100 APT students, all ARS and APT staff have participated in the programme. It took six minutes to sow the paddy in half acre area, farmers can directly sow up to 30 acres in a single day with drones compared to the 2-3 acres under manual transplanting. Farmers felt that, direct sowing with drone is advantageous in terms of saving labour, time and cost. To compare drum seeding was taken up in adjacent field to demonstrate all the methods of direct seeding at one location to the farmers.