Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized training programme on “Nutrient management in Maize” at Kollapuram Village of Gudur Mandal on 05-1-2022. Sri B. Kranthi Kumar, SMS (Crop Production) explained about hybrids, varieties which are released from PJTSAU and integrated nutrient management in Maize. Later, Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator explained about pest & disease management in Maize with special emphasis on fall armyworm management. Later, during the interactive session, crop residue management and Chilli pest management were discussed. Sri Rakesh, MAO, Gudur, Sri Redya, AEO, Gudur, Sri P. Sudhakar Rao, Sarpanch, Smt. G. Kavitha Venkanna, MPTC of Kollapuram Village and 43 no.of farmers participated in the programme.