A training programme on “Production Technologies in Rabi Sunflower” under scheduled caste subplan (SCSP)” was organized at Camp office, Siddipet for Irkode, Bussapur, Burugupalli and Ibrahimpur villages by Dr. D. Swetha, Scientist (Agro) and Dr. A.V. Ramanjaneyulu, Sr. Scientist (Agro). on 06-11-2021. Dr. S. Sridevi, Principal, Agricultural Polytechnic, Dr. N. Sainath, Scientist (SSAC) from ARS, Tornala and Mr. J. Vijay, Coordinator and Dr. Ch.Pallavi, Scientist (CP), DAATTC, Tornala have participated in the programme. Shri. T. Harish Rao garu, Honarable Finance Minister, Govt. of Telangana was the Chief Guest of the programme. Further, Dr. M. Sujatha garu, ICAR-IIOR Director, was the Guest of Honor of the programme. Besides, Dr. G.D. Sathish Kumar, Principal Scientist (Agri. Extn), Dr. R.D. Prasad, Principal Scientist (Plant Pathology), Dr. G. Suresh, Principal Scientist (Agro.) and Dr. MD. A. Aziz Qureshi, Principal Scientist (SSAC) ICAR-IIOR scientists have attended the programme. Further, Mr. Devaiah, Sarpanch (Ibrahimpur), Mr. Sadasiva Rao, Sarpanch (Bussapur), Mr. Ravinder, Sarpanch (Raorukala) and 118 beneficiary farmers from three villages (63 farmers from Irkode, 26 farmers from Bussapur, 11 farmers from Burugupalli and 18 farmers from Ibrahimpur) have attended the programme. At the outset, Dr. A.V. Ramanjaneyulu has welcomed all and gave an overview of research activities such as organic farming, mechanization, evaluation of sunflower hybrids, sol test based fertilizers, farm pond and fish pond, paddy and redgram seed production taken up by ARS, Tornala and extension services rendered by DAATTC Tornala. Dr. M. Sujatha garu explained about importance of oilseeds, objectives of the SCSP and Tribal SubPlan. Finally, Shri. T. Harish Rao garu, Honarable Finance Minister, suggested the farmers to go for crop diversification with main emphasis on pulses and oilseed crops after paddy instead of paddy-paddy sequence and also requested the farmers to follow the suggestions of scientists. He suggested to adopt one village for each scientist and extend the services. At the end, Battery operated knapsack sprayers were distributed to 100 SC beneficiary farmers of Irkode, Bussapur and Burugupalli villages and tarpaulin sheets to 18 SC beneficiary farmers of Ibrahimpur village under SCSP (Rs. 5,00,000/-) funded under AICRP on Sunflower by ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad for the year 2020-21.