A Training programme on “IPM in cotton” was organized at Shodashapally village, Velair mandal, Warangal (Urban) district on 25-11-2020 by District Agriculture Advisory and Transfer of Technology Center (DAATTC), Warangal with an objective of training on integrated management of major pests in cotton. Dr. B.Anil Kumar, Senior Scientist (Crop Protection) and Coordinator of DAATT centre, Warangal, Dr.S.Malathi, Principal Scientist, RARS, Warangal, Sri.J.Vijay, scientist, DAATT centre, Warangal have participated and acted as resource person in the programme. Sri. Damodhar Reddy, Assistant Director of Agriculture, Smt.Padma, Mandal Agricultural Officer, Velair mandal, Sri. Raja Reddy, Rythu Samanvaya Committee Coordinator, Coromandal Company officials and 55 farmers from Shodashapally village, Velair mandal, Warangal (Urban) have participated in the programme. Dr.B.Anil Kumar explained about Integrated pest management practices of sucking pests and bollworms in cotton. Management of pink bollworms was emphasized as its damage was severe in the village during the vanakalam 2020. Dr.S.Malathi, Principal Scientist (Entomology), RARS, Warangal has highlighted the importance of Integrated Pest Management of cotton in the present scenario and discussed the advantages of IPM over chemical control of insect pests.