Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rudrur organized Training programme cum Input distribution (viz, Tarpaulins, Portable Vermi beds) on 29.09.2020 at KVK premises covering 35 SC farmers from various mandals viz., Bodhan, Birkur, Kotagiri of Nizamabad district under SC Sub plan activity. Dr. RVT. Balazzi Naaiik, Programme coordinator, KVK, Nizamabad addressed to the farmers related to their present crop management aspects and explained about the importance of organic manures especially Vermicompost by utilizing their own farm wastes. Later Sri. P. Vijay Kumar, Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection) in-charge of SC sub plan delivered about Pest and disease management aspects in Paddy and Vegetable crops. Dr. B. Venkata Rajkumar, Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture) and Dr. M. Suresh, Subject Matter Specialist (Crop Production) explained about role of micro nutrients and importance of organic manures in crop growth, strip cropping of various vegetables etc. Later distribution of Tarpaulins and Portable vermin beds were carried out and emphasized about its importance in protecting farm produce in adverse weather conditions, and use of vermi beds making vermicompost by utilizing their farm waste in order to enhance their produce quality.