Training programme cum field visit on Fertilizer Management in Rice Crop in Adopted Village at Kashipur, Kandi (Mandal), Sangareddy Dist. On 18-02-2021

Training programme cum field visit on Fertilizer Management in Rice Crop in Adopted Village at Kashipur, Kandi (Mandal), Sangareddy Dist. On 18-02-2021

A Training Programme cum field visit on “FERTILIZER MANAGEMENT IN RABI RICE FOR HIGHER YIELDS” was conducted by College of Agricultural Engineering, Kandi, Sangareddy. Dr. K. Srinivasa Kumar, Associate Dean addressed the gathering about the activities and programmes taken up in the adopted village and requested the farmers to make utilize the advises and suggestions given by Scientists and Agricultural Engineers of the college. Dr. M. A. Aarif Khan, Senior Professor (Retd.), PJTSAU, Hyderabad has been invited as chief guest to address the farmers problems on fertilizer management in rabi rice and briefed about fertilizer management for higher yields based on the soil analysis reports which was generated by conducting soil sample collection at Adopted Village. Soil health cards were distributed to farmers and also explained about slow growing nature of rice crop due to the effect of low temperature. As a part of this farmers asked raised querries related to soil problems and paddy, cotton, vegetables & fruit crops problems etc. Finally a paddy field visit was conducted by Dr. M. A. Aarif Khan, Senior Professor (Retd.), along with group of farmers, and suggested farmers to initiate alley ways in paddy fields for better management of pests and diseases. Adopted Village in charge Dr.Ch.Srilatha, Assistant Professor, members Dr.Y.Siva Lakshmi, Associate Professor, Er.Jambamma, Assistant Professor and Er.A.Naveen, Assistant Professor and Teaching Staff Dr.P.Ramesh, Assistant Professor, A.O., A.E.O. and 60 farmers participated in the programme along with the Associate Dean Dr.K.Srinivasa Kumar, CAE, Sangareddy.