A four day online training programme on “Promotion of Digital Literacy for Middle Level Officers of Development Departments” is organized by EEI, Hyderabad from 18th to 22nd October 2021. 47 Middle level Extension officers belonging to 6 South Indian states from Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Agriculture, Sericulture, Veterinary and Animal husbandary departments took part in the programme. Importance of Digital literacy, TRANSITY, PLANTIX, KALGUDI, Block chain technology, Video film production through mobiles, digital initiatives of KVK, Baramati were taught by experts in the programme. Hands on experience was given in online mode on production and dissemination of messages through various mobile apps like Picvoice, Podcost, CANVA, Filmorago etc was the highlight in the programme. Dr. M. Jagan Mohan Reddy, Director, EEI speaking on the occasion of valedictory requested the trainees to take learnings back home for the benefit of farmers. He opined that digital messages can reach a large group of receivers in every nook and corner of the state in very short time, which is very important during the time of natural disasters and pest outbreaks. The programme was coordinated by Dr. R. Vasantha and Dr. P. Vijayalakshmi, Professors, EEI.