Training & Visit :Dissemination of Need Based Agro Advisories to the Department of Agriculture, Mancherial District at KVK, Bellampalli on 17-09-2020
Training & Visit :Dissemination of Need Based Agro Advisories to the Department of Agriculture, Mancherial District at KVK, Bellampalli on 17-09-2020
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bellampalli, Mancherial district participated in Training and Visit meeting with Department of Agriculture, Mancherial district including District Agricultural Officer, Assistant Directors of Agriculture, Mandal Agriculture Officers and Agriculture Extension Officers for the timely dissemination of agro advisories on “Integrated Nutrient Management, Integrated Pest Management in Cotton and Rice, which are the major crops during Vanakalam, 2020.. The meeting was held at DAO office, Mancherial on 17th September, 2020 and has involved with the participation of 30 No. of officers. In this T & V meeting,
Dr. M. Rajeshwar Naik, Programme Coordinator addressed and delivered the need based agro advisories as below:
- Prevailing weather conditions are favourable for Bacterial Leaf Blight in paddy. To stop this, apply of Nitrogenous fertilizers to crop temporarily. In early stage to control the spreading of disease to spray copper oxy chloride @ 3 g + Plantomycine @ 0.2 g per liter of water.
- Prevailing weather conditions are friendly for the incidence of hispa in paddy . To control, spray profenophos @ 2ml or chlorpyriphos @ 2.5 ml /lit of water .
- Prevailing weather conditions are congenial for stemborer in paddy.To control apply of carbofuron 3 G@10 kg or phorate @ 4kg per acre at 15-20 days after transplanting.
- To control fall army worm in maize spray emamectin benzoate @ 0.4 g or chlorantriniliprol @0.4 ml per liter of water into the whorl of the plant.
- The Prevailing weather conditions are favourable for stem borer in maize crop. To control application of carbofuron 3 G granules in leaf whorls @ 3kg /acre is recommended.
- Heavy rains may cause the wilt in cotton crop. To control, drench with the copper oxy chloride @ 30 gr + plantomycine @ 2 g per 10 liter of water.
- The Prevailing weather conditions are favourable for pest & diseases in cotton crop. To control, spray Acephate @ 1.5 gr +1gr carbendazim per litre of water is recommended.
- Incidence of pink boll warm is noticed in cotton. To monitor install 4 pheromone traps per acre and control measures may be taken up after observing 7-8 adults insects for consecutive three days. To control, spray thiodicarb @ 1.5 g or chlorpyriphos @ 2 ml per liter of water.
- Prevailing weather conditions are congenial for the incidence of leaf spot and sucking pests in cotton. To control spray carbendazim @ 1g and Acephate @ 1.5 g per liter of water.
- To prevent square and flower drop in cotton, spray planofix @ 2 ml per 10 liter of water twice at 10 days interval.
- Incidence of leaf spot disease is noticed in Red gram. To control this, spray carbendazim @1g per lit of water.