Virtual Training programme on Water conservation technologies under Jala Shakthi Abhiyan by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nizamabad (Rudrur) on 24-06-2021

Virtual Training programme on Water conservation technologies under Jala Shakthi Abhiyan by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nizamabad (Rudrur) on 24-06-2021

A Virtual Training programme on Water conservation technologies under Jala Shakthi Abhiyan by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nizamabad (Rudrur) on 24.06.2021. Sri. M. Govindu, DAO, Nizamabad, Sri. Ravi Kumar, Depty. Eng., Irrigation, Sri. R. D. Prasad, DD, Groundwater, Sri. Ompal, APD, DWMA, Nizamabad have participated in the training programme. Dr. S. Naveen Kumar, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Rudrur emphasized the farmers about the optimum usage of water in farming with focus on increasing the water use efficiency by adopting different technologies like drip irrigation for more crop per drop; rain water harvesting; smart irrigation scheduling; crop shifting from paddy to less water consuming crops like millets and pulses and dry direct seeding of rice conservation tillage and cultural practices of water conservation and saving; growing of cover crops etc. Sri. M. Govindu, DAO, Nizamabad expressed his concern about the over exploitation of ground water in few mandals of Nizamabad district and requested the farmers to adopt the water conservation technologies and crop rotation with pulses and other irrigated dry crops. Sri. Ravi Kumar, Depty. Eng., Irrigation explained about the irrigatation projects and water storage structures. Sri. R. D. Prasad, DD, Groundwater discussed about schemes, activities and programmes available under NREGS Pertaining to water storage and rain water harvesting for drinking water as well as irrigation water like Farm ponds, Magic soak pits, percolation tanks, small check dams, gully plugs and bore wells recharge etc.,. Dr. M. swetha explained about the over exploitation as in water scarce area adoption of water conservation technologies in agriculture like drip irrigation, capturing and storing of water, Smart irrigation scheduling, raising of drought tolerant crops, mulching, growing of cover crops, conservation tillage and applying organic fertilizers could reduce the evaporation of available moisture from the soil. Dr. B. Venkata Rajkumar, SMS, Horticulture; Dr. M. Suresh, SMS, Crop Production; P. Vijay Kumar, SMS, Plant Protection and B. Srilaxmi, SMS, Agrometeorology participated in the programme. Farmers from different divisions of the district were interacted with officials and shared their experience and water conservation technologies. Total 53 participants including.