Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadradri Kothagudem has celebrated “Telangana Formation Day” Telangana Rashtra Avatharana Dinochavam on 2nd June 2024. In view of celebrating the auspicious occasion and to make festive ambiance, office building was illuminated with lights from 01-06-2024 to 03-06-2024. As part of the programme, colourful rangoli was drawn in front of the office building depicting the Telangana culture and tradition. On the formation day 02.06.2024, KVK, Programme Coordinator Dr. V. Lakshmi Narayanamma hoisted the national flag by playing National Anthem, Telangana Song and PJTSAU University song. A floral tribute was offered to the Telangana thalli and Prof. Jaya Shankar photos by all teaching and non-teaching staff of KVK, Bhadradri Kothagudem.