A guest lecture on “Updates on Writing Thesis and Research Articles” organized by Department of Agronomy at College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar on 19.11.2022 at 10.00 AM in the College Auditorium, College of Agriculture Rajendranagar. About 160 participants (teaching staff, Scientists from various schemes of PJTSAU and PG and Ph.D students) attended to the guest lecture. The guest speaker was Dr.Shaik Mohammad, Former Dean PG studies, ANGRAU. Dr.M.Yakadri, Professor & Head Agronomy Department delivered the welcome address. The lecture highlighted rules and regulations in writing thesis (Abstract, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Summary and conclusions, formatting the tables and references with examples under each section). It also emphasized on crucial points to be taken care in writing articles for reputed journals apart from the basics of statistics and experiment designs. The Associate Dean, Dr. C.Narendra Reddy, Dr.G.Padmaja, Director Polytechnics, Head of the departments along with their teaching staff, PG and Ph.D students and Scientists from Various Schemes of PJTSAU attended the guest lecture.