Hon’ble Vice Chancellor and 7th MS Swaminathan Award recipient Dr.V. Praveen Rao was felicitated by College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar on 14-12-2021 in a jubilant manner

Hon’ble Vice Chancellor and 7th MS Swaminathan Award recipient Dr.V. Praveen Rao was felicitated by College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar on 14-12-2021 in a jubilant manner

The prestigious 7th MS Swaminathan award recipient and Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Dr.V.Praveen Rao was felicitated by the teaching faculty, non-teaching staff and students of College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar on 14.12.2021 at College Auditorium, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar in a celebration mode. The programme was started with the welcome address by C. Narendra Reddy, the Associate Dean, College of Agriculture , Rajendranagar and welcomed the Chief Guest Dr.V. Praveen Rao and galaxy of distinguished University officers, teaching and non-teaching faculty and students on the occasion. The Hon’ble Vice Chancellor and prestigious 7th MS Swaminathan award recipient Dr.V. Praveen Rao, while addressing the gathering has narrated about the journey of his entry into the University to the present position and advised the students and faculty to bestow commitment for professional excellence and also envisioned the future thrust agriculture commands at global arena. The students, non-teaching, teaching faculty and University officers felicitated the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor in a celebration mode. Dr. Seema, Dean of Agriculture , Dr. P Jagan Mohan Rao, Registrar, PJTSAU, Dr.V. Anitha, Dean of PG Studies, Dr.V. Sudha Rani, Director of Extension, Dr Ratnakumari, Dean of Community Science, Dr. Sravan Kumar, Controller of Examinations, Dr.Ravi Kumar, University Librarian, senior faculty, teaching, non-teaching staff and students participated in the felicitation programme.