Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized vegetable seed kit distribution programme in Tribal Welfare Ashrama High School, Mutyalamma Gudem and Telangana State Ekalavya Model Residential School, Kuravi on 21-12-2021 under Tribal Sub Plan project, 2020-21. The programme was held separately in each of these Schools, wherein, 60 no. of vegetable seed kits worth of Rs. 6,000/- were distributed with an objective to promote community nutrition garden at School level. Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Horticulture) & Co-PI of the project explained the importance of kitchen gardening and tips for establishment of model kitchen garden. Smt. D. Usha Sri, SMS (Agromet) and Sri B. Chitti Babu, Agromet Observer, 8 no.of teachers and 134 no.of students participated in the programme.