Vegetable Seed Kits Distribution under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar, Nalgonda Dist., on 11-01-2022
Vegetable Seed Kits Distribution under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar, Nalgonda Dist., on 11-01-2022
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar, Nalgonda distributed Vegetable Seed Kits under Tribal Sub Plan to the farmers of (TSP) on 11.01.2022.
- Scientists participated
- Dr. M. Shankariah, Programme Coordinator & Head, KVK, Kampasagar
- Dr. T. Bharath, SMS (Crop Production)
- Smt. T. Himabindu, SMS (Horticulture)
- Smt. S. Pallavi, SMS (Extension)
- Activity Details
- Dr. M. Shankariah, Programme Coordinator & Head, KVK, Kampasagar explained importance of nutrition in present day to day life. Suggested farmers to maintain nutri garden at each & every home to meet the daily nutritional requirements at their home itself. Also motivated them to be role model village to other villages.
- Dr. T. Bharath, SMS (Crop Production) suggested farmers to effectively utilize the opportunity provided.
- Smt. T. Himabindu, SMS (Horticulture), explained about the nutrition availability in different vegetables and also created awareness on how to raise & cultivate different vegetables at their home premises/ kitchen gardening.
- Smt. S. Pallavi, SMS (Extension), explained about the need, importance of kitchen gardening and also suggested economical benefits to them in maintaining kitchen garden for effective utilization of home premises in better way to meet their daily vegetable requirements.
Number of farmers participated – 25 No.