An awareness programme on Vertebrate Pest Management was conducted at adopted village, Meedikonda, Jangoan district of RARS, Warangal on 27-10-21. Dr. V. Vasudev Rao (Principal Scientist & Head, AINP on VPM, Hyderabad) is the chief speaker of the programme and he apprised the farmers about various management practices to be followed for vertebrate pests like rodents, monkeys, birds and wild boars etc. He also demonstrated the use of Agri cannon (monkey and bird scaring gun), bio acoustic device, electric and solar fencings equipments to the farmers and clarified their queries. S. Aruna devi Ex-ATMA member and Progressive farmer of Goverdhanagiri, shared her experience of successfully controlling monkey menace in 7 acres of Redgram + Ground nut crops with solar fencing also shared her ideas related to controlling vertebrate pests. In this programme Dr. B. Anil Kumar (Senior scientist, Entomology), Dr. M. Madhu (Scientist, Agronomy), P. Shiva Kumar (Scientist, Agri. Economics), T. Radhika (District Agricultural Officer, Jangoan), P. Pradeep (ADA, Station Ghanpur), Mandal Agricultural Officers and AEO’s of Jangoan district, Representatives of Gamyam technologies Pvt Limited, Aries Pvt Ltd and around 150 farmers were participated.