Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bellampalli in a co-ordination with Reliance Foundation organized a Video Conference with the farmers of Mancherial and Kumram Bheem Asifabad (Aspirational District) on Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Cotton on 6th August, 2020. As KVK, Bellampalli, a district Knowledge Centre of Agriculture conducting a need based video/audio conferences with the farmers to disseminate the weather based agro advisories for the effective management of the crop as well as to improve/enhance the yields. During the session most of the farmers expressed about the difficulty in managing the sap suckers, which are major concerns from economic point of view. In this connection,
Dr. M. Rajeshwar Naik, Senior Scientist & Head (Programme Coordinator) interacted with the farmers and delivered the need based advisories to the farming community as mentioned below:
As the session was concluded with the Cotton, the major textile has been threatened by a group of sucking pests in various stages, leading to reduce the quality of lint and fibre. In this regard, farmers are suggested to adopt integrated pest management practices which are helpful in managing the menace of these sucking pests. Starting from the first step in pest management i.e. proper identification of the pest to the chemical curative control measures can be followed for effective management. For this programme Dr. Shivakrishna, SMS (Agril. Extension), Sri. A. Nagaraju, SMS (Plant Protection), Dr. I. Thirupathi, SMS (Crop Production) and Smt. U. Sravanthi, SMS (Horticulture) has been participated and advised the farmers to follow new innovative techniques in Agriculture & Allied Sectors to double their income.