Virtual Mode of MOOC on “Information Handling Skills for Teaching, Learning and Research” on 19-08-2020 at Administrative Office, PJTSAU, Hyderabad

Virtual Mode of MOOC on “Information Handling Skills for Teaching, Learning and Research” on 19-08-2020 at Administrative Office, PJTSAU, Hyderabad

The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on “Information Handling Skills for Teaching, Learning and Research” has launched on 19-08-2020. This online course is jointly organising by Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU), ICAR – National Agricultural higher Education Project - NAHEP(IG), Sub Project on National Knowledge Management Centre for Agricultural Education & Research(NKMC4AER). Dr RC Agarwal, Deputy Director General(Education), ICAR, New Delhi has launched the training programme through virtual mode from New Delhi. later, he spoke on this occasion. Dr Agarwal said that, this is the era of knowledge management, there are plenty of information is available in several sources and need to utilise it properly he added. Dr V Praveen Rao, Vice Chancellor PJTSAU has presided the launching programme and made the presidential remarks. The services and definition of libraries were changed with the interventions of modern information and communication technologies said the VC. Earlier library users were used to go to libraries for information, but in changing scenario library services were available at the doorsteps through internet and modern electronic gadgets and technology he said. Earlier, Mr NP Ravikumar, Principal Investigator, University Librarian (In charge)ICAR- NHAEP (IG) on NKMC4AER has explained about the online training programme. He delivered the welcome address. Dr G Rathinasabapathy, University Librarian & Consortium Co- principal Investigator proposed vote of thanks.