Prathima Agri Services MoU with Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University on 27-04-2021

Virutal Mode of Inauguration of the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar with fervour

The platinum jubilee celebrations of College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Rajendranagar was started virtual mode on 10.05.2021 with Fervour. The coveted alumni members of the college who are spread in different parts of the globe have attended the inaugural programme, while the Dr V Praveen Rao, the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor , P JTSAU was the chief guest for the programme. The programme was started with the welcome address by Dr C Narendra Reddy, Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar. He briefed about the highlights of the College of Agriculture, Rajendrnangar and its magnanimous journey since its establishment in the year 1946. Dr V Praveen Rao, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar who was the chief guest of the programme, while addressing the inaugural programme has shared his happiness to be a pat of the programme. He expressed his delightment for the reason that, the alumni of the College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar have decorated very coveted posts across different parts of the world in various capacities viz., Research, Teaching, Extension, administration and so on and told. He said that, it is a matter of pride that, our alumni members are helping in various ways to address the problems of farming to make it prosperous. The chief guest on the occasion inaugurated the Platinum jubilee celebrations virtually and unveiled the platinum jubilee logo designed for the purpose. All the University Officers, alumni members across the globe have attended the inaugural programme. The programme was concluded with the formal vote of thanks by Dr K Suhasini, Senior Professor and University Head, Department of Agricultural Economics and member, Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.