Department of Entomology of Agricultural College, Warangal, organized a symposium on “Role of honey bees in sustainable development” on the occasion of “World Bee Day” on 20-05-2024 in which all III year and I year students ( around 100 nos.) were involved. Dr M. Balram, Associate Dean addressed the gathering. He spoken about role of honey bees in maintaining bio diversity and sustainable development. Dr A. Venkat Reddy, Professor & Head, Department of Entomology had spoken about history and importance of World Bee day. Sri. P. Ravindra Kumar, Director, Apiculture technology centre, NIRD&PR, Hyderabad has delivered lecture on “Role of honey bees in nature, bee keeping as an industry, challenges& opportunities in Apiculture”. In addition, he has displayed various bee products and explained about their uses. Sri. Ch. Ravi kumar, Bee keeping entrepreneur, Vijayawada, A.P has delivered online lecture on “Economic importance of honey bees, bee products, tips for entrepreneurship in bee keeping.” Few Neem , Pongamia and Tamarind seedlings which are bee friendly flowering plants were planted in the premises of model orchard of Agricultural College, Warangal involving III and I year students.. On the occasion of World bee day, an elocution competition on “Role of Honey bees in sustainable development” was conducted to students and certificates were distributed to the winners by Associate Dean and also felicitated guest speaker. Teaching staff of this College, RARS entomology scientists and students were participated in this programme.