World Food Day Celebrations at CFST, Rudrur on 16-10-2019

World Food Day Celebrations at CFST, Rudrur on 16-10-2019

World Food Day was celebrated on 16th October, 2019 at 3:45 PM in College of Food Science & Technology, Rudrur. Dr. R. Swamy, Associate Dean, Mrs. Prashanthi, Asst. Professor (OSA), Mrs. M. Leena, Administrative Officer, other faculty members, Non-Teaching, Outsourcing staff and Students participated in the programme. Associate Dean addressed the students about World Food Day, celebrated in the honor of the founding date of Food and Agriculture Organization launched by United Nations in 1945. AD stressed on current malnutrition status and hunger deaths in developing countries and what measures can be taken to overcome these problems and encouraged the students to come up with new innovative ideas and work hard to reach their goals. Mrs. Prashanthi Meda, OSA, Mrs. Sowjanya, Asst. Professor, and Dr. Samreen, Assistant Professor, shared their views on this occasion.