KVK, Malyal organised online training on “Clean Milk Production” on the occasion of “World Milk Day” celebrations on 01-06-2021

KVK, Malyal organised online training on “Clean Milk Production” on the occasion of “World Milk Day” celebrations on 01-06-2021

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organised online training programme on “Clean Milk Production” on the occasion of “World Milk Day” on 01-06-2021. In this programme, Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, SMS (Extension), KVK, Malyal briefed the participants about importance of pure milk production. Sri L. Vidyasagar, M.Sc., Ph.D Animal Nutrition, ELANCO India Pvt. Ltd explained about improving milk production through genetic makeup of the animal and management practices, sustainable milk production, feeding strategies like green and dry fodder to increase the milk fat content and also suggested to concentrate feed with 16% CP @ 3kg/day to increase milk production. Scientists of KVK, Malyal and 18 number of farmers participated in the programme.