Milk is consumed globally be 6 billion people and provides employment to around 1 billion worldwide. To spread awareness on the importance of milk and dairy products in our daily lives, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations in 2001 started celebrating 1st June every yearas World Milk Day.This day also holds special place in India as it is largest producer of milk in the world. The World Milk Day theme for 2021 will focus on 'Sustainability in the dairy sector with messages around the environment, nutrition and socio-economics'. Milk contains valuable nutrients and offers a range of health benefits. It is not only consumed by new born infants to people of all age groups. It is an important part of our daily diet. It has great nourishing value and a rich source of calcium, protein and fat. The milk from cows and buffaloes are commonly consumed and from other animals like sheep, goats, yak, horse and camels are used in certain parts of the world. The dairy industry processes raw milk into an array of products like butter, cheese, cream, yogurt, ghee, condensed milk, dried milk, ice creamand produces various by-products including buttermilk, whey, gheeand skim milk for human consumption. In view of the of the present COVID-19 situation, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Wyra organised World Milk Day, 2021on a virtual mode. Dr. J. Hemantha Kumar, Programme Coordinator briefedabout the on importance of milk in our daily lives and role of the animal husbandry as a source of livelihoodand income generating activity. Dr. K. Kishore, Executive Officer, DLDA, Khammam discussed on nutritional importance of milk and its value-added products in our life. Dr Jessie Suneetha. W, Dr. V. Chaitanya and Dr K. Ravi Kumar along with 35 livestock farmers participated in the programme. Mrs. P.S.M Phanisri proposed vote of thanks.