College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar celebrated World Pulses Day on 10-02-2022

College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar celebrated World Pulses Day on 10-02-2022

World Pulses Day was celebrated at the College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar to create awareness about the pulses and with an effort to increase the access to pulses on 10th February, 2022. On the occasion, a webinar, was organized for the benefit of the faculty, Research scientists and research scholars by the College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar. Dr CV Sameer Kumar, Senior Professor from the Department of Genetics and plant breeding, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar and Dr S Srinivasan, Chickpea breeder from ICRISAT were the guest speakers on the occasion. Dr C Narendra Reddy, the Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar has delivered the introductory remarks and emphasized on the importance of pulses in the present context. The webinar has focused on “The Role of Pulses in Sustainable Intensification of Agri Food Systems – Opportunities and Challenges” by Dr C V Sameer Kumar , Senior Professor and Head, Dept of Genetics and Plant Breeding , College of Agriculture , Rajendranagar and “Recent Advances in Chickpea Breeding” By Dr Samineni Srinivasan, Chickpea Breeder, ICRISAT, Patancheru. The webinar was attended by about 200 members comprising , faculty, research scholars , researchers ,extension professionals from across various parts of the country. On the occasion a Kisan Ghosti was organised at the Gudur adopted village of the College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar and guest lectures were organized on the Good Agricultural practices in Pulses and IPM practices for higher productivity in pulses for the benefit of the farming community. Competitions were organized to the students at college level and certificates were distributed on the occasion.