Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadradri Kothagudem conducted World Pulses Day Programme at Chunchupalli tanda, Chunchupalli Mandal, Bhadradri Kothagudem District on 10.02.2022. In the programme Dr.V.L.Narayanamma, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Kothagudem addressed to farmers on importance of pulses in livelihood and explained the role of pulse crops in atmospheric nitrogen fixation there by increasing soil fertility status through rhizobium colonies of root nodules. Dr. R. Srinivas Rao addressed the farmers about package of practices of pulses to increase the production and productivity as sole crop as well as an intercropping with cereals & commercial crops. Agromet observer, M.Suman addressed the gathering on weather based agriculture operations in pulse crops. MAO, Chunchupalli Mrs. Rajeswari explained the farmers on importance of pulses and seed availability and subsides from department of agriculture. In the programme 62 village farmers were attended.