Agricultural Research Station and DAATTC Karimnagar celebrated World Soil Day at Adopted Village Perkapally of Saidapur Mandal on 4th December, 2021

Agricultural Research Station and DAATTC Karimnagar celebrated World Soil Day at Adopted Village Perkapally of Saidapur Mandal on 4th December, 2021

World Soil Day on 5th December has been celebrated in Adopted Village Perkapally of Saidapur Mandal on 4th December, 2021. Dr.G.Usharani Scientist (Pl.Br.) and Adopted Village Incharge welcomed the dignitaries on to the dias and reiterated the importance of soil and the essentiality of increasing soil fertility. Dr.G.Manjulatha, Principal Scientist (Agro.) and Head chaired the session and sensitized the farmers towards improving soil health and reiterated that soil is a living and life giving natural resource. As population and food production demands rise, keeping our soil healthy and productive is of paramount importance by way of application of organic manures, biofertilizers, green manuring, crop rotation, inter and mixed cropping, etc. Later, Soil Health Cards were distributed for the farmers of the adopted village. Dr. E. Rajanikanth, Scientist (Agro.) detailed the cold management practices to be followed currently in the paddy nurseries. Dr. K. Madan Mohan Reddy, Scientist (TOT) provided hands on training on mobile apps among the farmers which is gradually becoming important and an essentiality in the present situation of virus prone pandemics. Also, the paddy minikit RNR 29325 has been distributed to two farmers in the adopted village. As a part of crop diversification, various demonstrations of University released hybrids and Minikits in paddy and maize have been allotted to few farmers and the demonstration plot of Maize DHM -182 has been visited. The Village Panchayat Secretary, Agricultural Extension Officer and around 50 farmers participated in the programme duly following the covid guidelines.