Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized “World Soil Day 2021 and distribution of Soil Health Cards” under Tribal Sub Plan, 2021-22 at Bothavanigudem Village, Kothaguda Mandal on 05-12-2021. During the programme, Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator suggested farmers to go for judicious use of fertilizers recommended to avoid degradation of soil fertility. Also advised to use more organic components like, farm yard manure, vermicompost, Trichoderma, Pseudomonas and neem based products instead of using more complex fertilizers and pesticides. Sri B. Kranthi Kumar, SMS (C.P.) spoke the importance of soil testing, tips for increasing of soil carbon content by incorporation of crop residues after harvesting of the crops instead of burning. Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, SMS (Extn.) advised to women farmers form entrepreneurial groups and initiate entrepreneurship in fields like value addition of millets to augment their family income. Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Hort.) explained about correction of micronutrient deficiencies in Chilli crop, scope and subsidy pattern for Oil palm crop. Under Tribal Sub Plan Project, KVK, Malyal collected 50 no.of soil samples from Bothavanigudem village, analyzed the same and distributed soil health cards during this event and suggested to use fertilizers as per recommended dose based on soil health cards. Also, distributed folders on “management of fall army worm (FAW) in Maize” to the participants. Sri Ch. Raju, AEO, Kothaguda, Smt. K. Rama, Sarpanch, Bothavanigudem and 77 no.of farmer and farm women participated in the programme.