KVK, Nizamabad organised world soil day and awareness programme on crop diversification in coordination with Department of Agriculture, Nizamabad. Dr. S. Naveen Kumar, Programme Coordinator addressed the farmers the importance of restitution of nutrients into soil for maintenance of soil fertility and getting optimal production and stressed the importance of crop diversification and need for improving the health of soil through various package of practices for enhancing field crops production. Dr. M. Suresh, Subject Matter Specialist (Crop Production) briefed the participants about different soil health parameters that to ensure the fertility of soil. He advised to use soil health friendly technologies like vermi composting, green manuring, use of customized leaf colour chart for nitrogen fertilizer application and use of recommended dose on basis of soil health card for improving the soil. Dr. B. Rajkumar, Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture) explained the vegetables cultivation by selecting the demand in the market. Dr. M. Swetha, Subject Matter Specialist (Agricultural Extension) discussed the need for the timely agro-advisories and PJTSAU ICT initiatives for catering information needs of the farmers.