Worlds Soil Health Day was organized at Pudugurthy village, Pudur mandal, Vikarabad district by CRIDA, Hyderabad. Sri. Gopal DAO, Vikarabad emphasized the importance of soil health management Smt. J. S. Sudha rani, Scientist (crop production)DAATTC RangaReddy. explained the importance of soil conservation and giving a fertile and productive soil to the next generation. Dr.Pankaj CRIDA reiterated that healthy soil produces healthy and robust crop Smt. Meghamala ZPTC, Pudur, MPP and we are privileged with so many Scientists and Department officials visiting our village this day we shall, follow their suggestion conserve soil. Soil health cards were distributed to the farmers. The program ended with the vote of thanks presented by Dr. Nagasree, CRIDA.