Awareness Programme on Yasangi rice production technologies was conducted by Agricultural College, Warangal in Adopted village, Damera in farmer’s fields on 09-12-2020. Dr. G. Swathi, Convener of village adoption programme, briefed about Yasangi varieties of paddy and their characters. Dr.T.Ramesh, Associate Dean addressed the gathering on best management practices to be followed for getting higher yields in paddy. Dr.J.Kamalakar, Soil Scientist explained about nursery management and fertilizer schedule to be followed in yasangi. Dr.Ch.Anusha, Entomologist explained about the plant protection measures to be adopted in yasangi rice. In the programme, focus was on the popularization of KNM 118 by drum seeding method of cultivation. Dr. J. Bhargavi, Crop Physiologist interacted on cold tolerance and suggested measures to overcome cold injury. The existing rice variety MTU 1010 was learnt to have wide acceptance with farmers. The limitation of growing MTU 1010 which included grain shattering was highlighted as a limitation. As an alternative, farmers were advised to take up the popular university variety KNM 118. Progressive farmers Sri. Polasani Srinvasa Reddy and Ram Reddy garu have consented to extend one acre land towards implementation of university recommended paddy seed production technologies namely seeding by drum seeder and its comparison with broadcasting and normal transplanting. Information was provided to farmers on the availability of KNM 118 seed in Agros centres and TSSDC outlet in Waddepally. Dr. Ch. Anusha proposed vote of thanks. In this programme, Progressive farmers and village adoption team members had participated.