Zonal Research and Extension Council Meeting of Central Telangana Zone was held on 26th & 27th March, 2021 at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Warangal under the Chairmen ship of Dr. R. Jagadeeshwar, Director of Research, PJTSAU, Hyderabad. In this programme, Director of Extension, PJTSAU and Associate Director of Research, RARS, Warangal, Deputy Director of Agriculture attended as guest of honour and Associate Dean, Agriculture college, Warangal, REAC Member, District Agricultural Officer of Warangal (Rural) and Warangal (Urban), Jangaon, Mulugu, Sangareddy, Medak, Assistant Director of Agriculture, Assistant Director of Horticulture, Principal Scientist, Scientist of CTZ, progressive farmers, Electronic & Print media etc. were participated. At the outset Director of Research, PJTSAU, welcomed all the dignitaries and participants of ZREAC meeting and apprised about importance of ZREAC meeting in which, Discussion of work done report of 2020-21 and finalization of technical programme for 2021-22. In this programme, four special topics were identified and presented by principal scientist’s viz., 1. Different methods of paddy cultivation like dry converted wet, AWD, Direct sown under Broadcasting & Drum seeding, 2. Application of Phosphorous solubilizing bacteria in soil, 3. Cultivation of alternate crops to rice and 4. Crop residue management. Further in the programme, Associate Director of Research, RARS, Warangal presented research highlights of Central Telangana Zone, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Wyra presented extension highlights of Central Telangana Zone. Feedback session was organized to prepare contingency crop planning of the zone followed by formed committees constituting Principal scientist, Scientists, Department of Agriculture and farmers for exploring all the crop related research and extension gaps and the deliberation were presented by conveners of the committee.