Faculty of Agricultural Engg & Tech

College of Agricultural Engineering


College of Agricultural Engineering, Sangareddy was established in the year 2011 under Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, PJTSAU. It was first of its kind in the Telangana state. The students will be admitted based on TS-EAMCET Rank duly considering the regional ratio and reservation with intake of 60 students per year. The college is started with an objective of generating trained human resource to work closely with the farmers in farm mechanization, soil conservation and water management, post-harvest technology, processing, new and renewable energy resources apart from developing of web based automation technologies for smart agriculture. The college has fully developed departments with experienced faculty. Fully furnished classrooms, equipped laboratories with sophisticated instruments, computer labs with wi-fi facility, library, seminar hall and sports facility.


Agriculture needs technological interventions to make rainfed, irrigated and dry land agriculture more productive, sustainable and remunerative to farmers. The college of agricultural engineering seeks to develop and demonstrate appropriate technology for various farming situations incorporating modern tools and methods. Precision farming, conservation agriculture, mechanization, developing techno-entrepreneurship, modern methods of manufacturing and food processing are proposed to be taken up. To address the issue of farm power availability, harnessing potential of agro-residue and renewable sources of energy are envisaged.


The Bachelor of Technology in Agricultural Engineering a four years professional degree programme is designed in such a way that rigorous learning through class room teaching and get insight into engineering aspects of agriculture in three years and one year of student READY programme. The students will get thorough exposure on various aspects of design, operation and maintenance of farm machinery, construction of soil and water conservation structures, operation and maintenance of micro irrigation equipment, design and construction of green houses, operation and maintenance of processing equipment, etc. to absorb in to any organization dealing with agricultural engineering related activities.

Student READY (Rural and Entrepreneurship Awareness Development Yojana)

The READY programme was conceptualized by ICAR in all the Agricultural Universities as an essential prerequisite for the award of degree to ensure hands on experience to reorient graduates of Agriculture and allied subjects for ensuring and assuring employability and develop entrepreneurs for emerging knowledge intensive agriculture.

The one year student READY programmes are

  • Experiential learning programme
  • In Plant Training/ Industrial attachment
  • Hands-on training ( HOT) / Skill development training
  • Students Projects

About Departments

Enhancing quality of human resource is a pre-requisite for implementing and upgrading research programmes, developing technologies, evolving institutional arrangements to face challenges and harness opportunities. Hence, each department is provided with standard sophisticated equipments.

Farm Machinery and Power Engineering:

The department of farm machinery and power engineering focuses on farming operations to reduce the human drudgery, timeliness operation, high safety and precision farming. Department equipped with primary & secondary implements, inter-cultivation, spraying, threshing and harvesting equipments. Auto CAD drafting software teaches to the students to enable them to draw different engineering models.

Soil and Water Conservation Engineering:

The department of soil and water conservation engineering deals with efficient water management, soil water relations, evapotranspiration, precipitation, runoff, erosion, flows in natural waterways and through reservoirs, wetland and groundwater hydrology, and water quality. Students can utilize Remote sensing and Geographic information system to develop maps and analyze watershed characteristics.

Irrigation and Drainage Engineering:

collaborate The department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering deals with selection of irrigation pumps for energy efficient operations, efficient drainage system in water logged areas and design, operation of micro irrigation based fertigation system. Students are well trained to cope up with water scarcity, water excess and salinity problems with efficient water management to sustain agriculture through efficient management of land and water resources.

Processing and Food Engineering:

collaborateDepartment of Processing and Food Engineering teach technical skills to the students on high capacity energy efficient equipment and processes for optimizing the energy intensiveness of the production and post-production operations. Practical oriented teaching classes conducted to impart knowledge on reduce losses, add value to the farm produce and maintain the quality of raw and processed products to a high standard to compete with foreign goods.

Renewable Energy Engineering:

collaborateThe department of renewable energy engineering mainly focuses to teach skills in effective utilization of rural agricultural waste, solar energy, wind energy and biodiesel. Each practical well focused on design parameters, constructional details, installation, maintenance and precautions to be taken at actual filed conditions during operation.


collaborateCollege of Agricultural Engineering library has got a good amount of books. It also has a collection of Indian Journals, International Journals and subscribed four daily newspapers (two regional language-Telugu, and two English).The library has computer facility with internet access and Xerox machine.


collaborateHostel facility is being provided to the boys and girls students who take admission into the course. Both hostels are established to accommodate 78 students in each hostel including kitchen and dining hall.

Course Details

1 UG Degree nomenclature B.Tech. (Agricultural Engineering)
2 Medium of Instruction English
3 Intake capacity of students 52
4 Eligibility for admission
i) (10+2) MPC/MBiPC for 58 seats
  • 60% of 40 Seats for general quota students filled up by Convener, TS- EAMCET Rank
  • 40% of 40 Seats for farmers quota filled up by PJTSAU with TS- EAMCET rank
  • 15% of 40 seats ICAR quota
ii) AGRIENGGCET rank by PJTSAU for 7 seats
  • 15% of 40 seats for Diploma in Agricultural Engineering students through AGRIENGGCET rank by PJTSAU

Course Catalogue: Course Details of B.Tech. Ag. Engg.