DAATTC, Tornala conducted Diagnostic Field visits in blackgram and maize on 04-02-2022

DAATTC, Tornala conducted Diagnostic Field visits in blackgram and maize on 04-02-2022

The Scientists of DAATTC, Tornala Sri. J. Vijay, Coordinator, Dr. Ch. Pallavi, Scientist (CP) visited Narsayapally (V), Maddur (M) Siddipet (Dist.) to make field diagnostic visit on black kgram field and observed powdery mildew. The Scientists recommended to to spray wettable sulphur @ 2g/lit or Difenconazole @ 1ml/lit + 19:19:19 @ 1 kg per acre in black gram. And also visited zero tillage maize in rice fallow and observed fall army worm which is 30-40% incidence. Recommended to spray Emamectin benzoate @ 80g/acre + neem oil @ 1 lit/acre. Install pheromone traps @ 4 No. /acre to monitor the pest. In this programme, Ramakrishna (MAO) and Rakesh (AEO) along with 10 farmers participated.