Extension Education Institute, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad organised a Webinar on ‘Schemes for Agripreneurship’ on 28th February, 2025. Dr.D.Shireesha, Assistant Professor, EEI, Hyderabad welcomed the dignitaries, and participants to the webinar. The speakers of the webinar are Sri Vijay Nadiminti, Chief Executive Officer, AgHub, PJTAU, Hyderabad and Dr. Shreekant Sharma, Faculty Member (SEE), National Institute for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (ni-msme), Hyderabad. Sri Vijay Nadiminti, spoke on Ecosystem for Agripreneurship in India. He has explained how startups work to offer field level solutions, underscored the role of incubators like the incubators at ICRISAT, TNAU, NIRD, NAARM and AgHub, PJTAU in unleashing the farm innovations and preparation of business plans for the Sartups and Dr. Sharma, illustrated on Schemes for Agripreneurship in India offered by different ministries of GOI like Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Ministry of Ayush, Ministry of MSME, and Ministry of Commerce and Industry-EPCs, APEDA and he has also emphasized the role of MSMEs in contributing for the GDP and employment generation. The landscape of micro, small and medium enterprises in agri and allied sectors were clearly spelt out. Dr.M.Yakadri, Director of Extension, PJTAU, Hyderabad graced the webinar. Dr. M. Jagan Mohan Reddy, Director, EEI, Hyderabad highlighted that there is chronic deficit of entrepreneurship in agriculture, which is paving for recurrent losses for farmers. The contemporary changes in various sectors including agri and allied sectors necessitating to acquire entrepreneurial abilities among all the stake holders in supply and value chain in agriculture. Extension Education Institute, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad is offering myriad of programs to augment the capacities of middle level extension officials of Southern region. He appealed all the participants to sensitise farmers on various initiatives taken up by the Government of India to derive more farm profits. A questionnaire was circulated among all the participants to assess the effectiveness of the webinar. Ninety six middle level extension officials of agri and allied sectors of different client states were attended the programme. Dr. N.Praveen, Professor, and Dr.D.Shireesha, Assistant Professor, EEI, Hyderabad coordinated the programme.