KVK, Malyal organized online meeting through Google meet on “Awareness on Role and Importance of DAMU Project in Agriculture” on 05.09.2022

KVK, Malyal organized online meeting through Google meet on “Awareness on Role and Importance of DAMU Project in Agriculture” on 05.09.2022

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized online meeting through Google meet on “Awareness on Role and Importance of DAMU Project in Agriculture” to Jayashankar Bhupalapalle AEO’s on 05-09-2022. In this programme,Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Malyal apprised the participants that Jayashankar Bhupalapalle is one of the operational districts of the DAMU project, KVK, Malyal and explained the importanceof DAMU Project in day to day agriculture. She also spoke about some success stories of the farmers who had utilized the DAMU weather forecast advisoriesin decision making and minimized their economical loss. Smt. D. Usha Sri, SMS (Agrometeorology) explained how different weather parameters like Rainfall, Temperature(Tmax, Tmin), Humidity, etc affect the growth of crops in different stages. Later, she highlighted the importance of weather forecast to avoid crop losses during natural calamities happens. She requested all the AEO’s to add Jayashankar Bhupalapalle farmers in KVK, Malyal Jayashanker Bhupalapalli WhatsApp group and also to pass the information about the weather forecast to farmers in their cluster villages and should play role in motivating them to utilize these alert weather messages. M. Vijay Bhasker, DAO,Jayashanke rBhupalapalle coordinated the programme and 36 Agriculture Extension Officers from different clusters of the district participated in this programme.