Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Palem celebrated 95 th ICAR Foundation day & Technology days at KVK, Palem from 16.07.2023 to 18.07.2023

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Palem celebrated 95 th ICAR Foundation day & Technology days at KVK, Palem from 16.07.2023 to 18.07.2023

KVK, Palem has organized ICAR Foundation day & Technology day celebrations at KVK, Palem from 16.07.2023 to 18.07.2023 on the eve of 95th foundation day celebrations. Dr. Adhi Shankar, SMS (Horticulture) addressed about importance of KVK's and functioning mechanism and Created awareness to the participants various technologies demonstrations units in Agril. and allied sectors and Integrated Crop Management technologies in major crops. Mrs. E. Jyoshna, SMS (Community Science) briefed about importance of value addition in millets and pulses and motivated farmers towards entrepreneurship development millets and pulses and also explained about Dietary diversification in controlling malnutrition in rural areas. Dr.O. Shaila, SMS (Plant Protection) explained best management practices in crops, income enhancement activities like vermicompost technology, mushroom cultivation and bio fertilizer production unit etc. Dr. B. Rajashekar, SMS (Extension) explained the various initiates taken up KVK, Palem for effective transfer of technology to the rural areas with location specific. Later organized exposure visits to various demonstrations units at KVK, Palem. In this programme all the staff of KVK, Palem and 114 participants including students were participated.