Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Palem has been organized training cum awareness programme on Pests & disease management in Groundnut to SC-SP farmers at seminar hall of KVK on 24.11.2021. In this progarmme Dr. T. Prabhakhar Reddy (PC) briefed importance of Groundnut crop for oil production and given best management practices in Groundnut pest management aspects for getting of higher returns with low cost IPM inputs. Mr. M. Rajashekhar (SMS-PP) explained about the IPM practices like importance of seed treatment in Groundnut with Tebeconazole (Raxil) @ 1g/kg seed to reduce the incidence of seed borne diseases. Soil application of Trichoderma viride @ 2kg/acre by mixing in 90 kg FYM and 8kg neem cake will reduce the incidence of soil borne diseases. Crop rotation with Sorghum or pearl millets. Intercropping with Sorghum or Pigeon pea or Pearl millet with 3-6 rows of Groundnut and one row of intercrop. Planting of traps crops like Soybean for leaf minor, Castor or Sunflower for Spodoptera, Cowpea for Red hairy caterpillar and Sunflower acts as a bird percher as well. Installation of Pheromone traps @ 5/acre to monitoring the incidence of Spodoptera litura and erecting of bird perches @ 20/acre. Spraying of Bio-pesticides like Azadirachtin 1500 ppm @ 1 litre /acre. Need based spraying of insecticides like Indoxacarb+Novaluron @ 1ml or Emamectin benzoate @ 0.5g or Chloranthranoliprole @ 0.3 ml/l of water. After that distributed Azadiractin 1500 ppm @ 1liter and waste decomposer @ 1 bottle to 40 farmers. In this programme a total of 40 farmers from Khanapur village of Bijinepally mandal were participated.